: +Tuning
-Modular Cable Would Be Nice (Nitpick)
Before I even begin this review, first let me thank KEEPHiFi for sending the TRI I3 MK3 in for review.
Rest assured, this review is 100% my own personal opinion.
Build Quality
The shell is fully made out of metal.
It feels solid and well put together, though when I tap the shell, I can hear some ticking inside the shell.
Also I don’t see any scratches (which indicate the painting is very good) even though my sample was freely shaking around on the shipping because it fell out of its compartment.
Is very good, I can wear the I3 MK3 for long listening sessions with no issues, also the shell size is normal for me despite the fact that the I3 MK3 is using a tribrid configuration.
Sound + Comparison to Moondrop Blessing 3
Tested using FIIO KB3, Stock Eartips, Stock Cable, Music is mostly from Apple Music and Spotify. (J-POP, J-Rock, EDM, Rap, Metal, Jazz)
Tonality in General : Bass Boosted Neutral
My first impression when I tried the TRI I3 MK3 was like, wait why it sounds like my Blessing 3 but better?
It sounds like a much more dynamic yet smooth Blessing 3, so that's why I will do my review + comparison with the Blessing 3.

Bass : the bass is handled by 10mm Beryllium DD, it has a bass boost from sub bass - 150hz.
Bass presentation is very good and satisfying, it has decent punch with very good sub bass rumble and hum.
The bass quantity we can see from the graph is more or less the same with Blessing 3, but the quality is much more superior compared to the Blessing 3 HODDUS (isobaric dual DD) configuration.
The bass of the I3 MK3 is very dynamic and fun to listen to, while the Blessing 3 to my ears doesn't move much air and lacks punch, has less rumble and humming texture and sounds monotone to me.
Midrange : smooth, lush, velvety, those words come to my mind when describing the midrange of TRI I3 MK3.
Compared to the Blessing 3, It sounds just like Blessing 3 with more body to its overall sound, thanks to the high quality SONION BA driver that the I3 MK3 uses.
It has minimum BA timbre, good body, and very good resolving capabilities, punching above its price bracket.
Vocal placement is a bit forward just like Blessing 3, though vocal rendering of the I3 MK3 is much more smoother thanks to less upper midrange tuning.
There is no sibilance nor shout to be found with the I3 MK3.
If I have to give you an analogy between Blessing 3 and I3 MK3, it would be like, the Blessing 3 is a Sennheiser HD600, while the I3 MK3 felt like HD660S2 in terms of vocal presentation.
If you have tried those cans or own both of ‘em you will know what I mean.
Thanks to the 10mm planar driver that it uses.
The tuning decision to make the treble quantity slightly below normal IEM combined with the planar type driver is genius IMO.
Planar type drivers usually have that zink and bite to its presentation, so by making the measurable quantity less than normal, it makes the overall presentation feel just right, in fact, it was airy, super extended, smooth, and super resolving at the same time.
I can only sing praises for the TRI I3 MK3 overall tuning. Whoever tuned this IEM, I appreciate your hard work.
For its asking price of $200 USD is VERY GOOD
Stage : Large (Very Good)
It feels large and grand, just like an orchestra hall if you can imagine it.
Stage layering is also very good and the shape of the stage is symmetrical both in width and depth.
Imaging : Very Good
It feels holographic, which is mind blowingly good for its asking price.
There are lots of layers to its sounds, you can easily imagine what sound is playing and presented to you.
Separation and Positioning : Very Good
It’s very pinpoint like razor sharp pinpoint, I tested it on Valorant and Music listening, it punches above its class for sure.
Detail Retrieval : Very Good
It's very good for all frequencies, (BASS - MIDRANGE - TREBLE).
Very resolving, like you get even more information compared to the Blessing 3 no joke.
With Blessing 3 you feel there is a haze on the treble but it's kinda bright and forward at the same time, while with I3 MK3 there is this smooth, airy, extended treble with very good resolving capabilities.
Same with the midrange and bass, the I3 MK3 IMO completely blows the Blessing 3 out of this comparison.
Do I recommend the TRI I3 MK3?
ABSOLUTELY, this IEM is the easiest recommendation in 2024 for me. In fact, I postponed my review on purpose (I’m sorry KEEPHiFi) just to see if my opinion changes overtime, but NOPE, I’m still liking the TRI I3 MK3 so much that it made my Moondrop Dark Saber and Blessing 3 sits on its case all the time.
Yeah the TRI I3 MK3 is that good.
Thanks for reaching this far.
Just in case you're Indonesian or understand Bahasa Indonesia, you can watch video version of this review