The build is phenomenal
The purple color stunning
The shell ergonomic
The sound highly enjoyable
To be honest, it would be nitpicking to say that a larger case or an adapter would have been appreciated.
I3 MK3 packaging and build
The packaging is vibrant and adorned with ample information, presenting a significant size difference compared to the original i3's simple black box. Within, one discovers three varieties of tips in multiple sizes to accommodate everyone ideally, included are also a cleaning cloth, a brush tool for cleaning, and a case.
The case is the standard yet high-quality KBear/TRI audio case, which is typically sufficient. However, considering the cable's remarkable thickness and sturdy build, I personally would have preferred a larger one. The I3 MK3 is constructed with high-quality aluminum, offering durability and a sleek design. The new i3 model is significantly more compact than its predecessor, ensuring a perfect fit in one's ears once the appropriate size tips are selected. The included cable is not only well-constructed but also looks fantastic in my opinion.
The equipment utilized for testing the i3 included the TRI TK-2 portable amplifier, The ifi Diablo-2, the Hifiman EF500 Amp/DAC, and various dongles such as the Questyle M15 and ifi GoBar Kensie, among others.

TRI i3 MK3 Sound:
Let's discuss the sound signature. It's worth mentioning that my musical tastes are quite diverse. Although rock, pop, and hip-hop dominate my daily playlist, I also enjoy country, jazz, contemporary, and world music whenever the mood strikes.
I'll begin from the ground up; I'm old school and have been in the game for a long time. I used to be a Stereo-Head, constantly upgrading my speakers and equipment, before diving into motorcycles and other interests. However, music has always been my motivation, sanctuary, and source of relaxation.
The i3 MKIII is equipped with a 10mm Beryllium Dynamic Driver dedicated to its lower frequencies. These frequencies are expansive and dynamic, exhibiting superb control and energy. The Sub-Bass, in particular, delivers a commanding thump followed by a satisfying rumble before it fades, while the Mid-Bass boasts impressive speed and attack power.
This offers an enjoyable lower end with precision and quality, not a bass cannon or the typical overly V-shaped sound profile.
The midrange on the i3 is exceptionally rich and smooth, with vocals displaying perfect tone and a natural-sounding timbre. The mids carry a substantial note weight and character, making them highly enjoyable to my ears.The clarity and layering, combined with a strong vocal position and smooth presentation, make the mids nearly perfect for most music genres.
The MK3's highs are distinctive, featuring a 10mm planar driver dedicated to the treble frequencies—a rarity in hybrid IEMs, despite my experience testing thousands of them. The treble delivers a clean sound with excellent extension and airiness. It possesses a delightful amount of sparkle, and while the details are well-presented, the tuning leans towards a smoother and less sharp quality, resulting in a sound that is both natural and pleasing.
The soundstage of the NK3 is expansive and deep, offering substantial height and a broad field that extends slightly behind the ears. It boasts excellent imaging and placement, making it ideal for activities such as gaming and watching movies. In essence, it provides an open soundstage with impressive technicalities and high accuracy.
This is one of the best TRI brids I've experienced this year, and possibly one of the best Hybrids as well. In its price range, I believe many will appreciate this very enjoyable and technically proficient IEM.